Monday, July 28, 2014

Philmont Day 9 - July 25th, 2014

Today was a fairly challenging hike from Pueblano to Miranda. The distance was only 6 or 7 miles, but we gained 1,000 ft to 9,000. We also still had Paco and he continued his pattern of intermittent refusals to walk. Carter and Sean worked hard to keep him moving.

We arrived at Miranda mid-afternoon and returned Paco first thing. With the exception of one scout we were all happy to see Paco bye-bye.  

Our first activity was black powder rifle shooting. These are long rifles weighing about 12 pounds. They fire from the action of the hammer hitting the detonator, which ignites the black powder and ejects the bullet (ball). These rifles are loud and emit a plume of smoke. Everyone really enjoyed this activity (because it was shooting). 

Following the shooting, the staff assigned our campsite and we finally got there about 6pm. We had dinner (chili mac) and went to bed early. Our wake up tomorrow morning is 4:30am so that we can depart for the summit of Mt Baldy by 5:30am.

The earlier you leave for the summit the better off you are. You have to be able to visualize the summit before making the attempt. This is to ensure safety and to keep crews from getting into bad weather.

The crew was filled with anticipation at what tomorrow would have in store for us.

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