Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Philmont Day 11 - July 27, 2014

Today was a pretty relaxed day. The scouts decided to sleep in a bit to 6:45. We didn't leave camp though until about 9:45. The crew had a little bit of fun-n-games in the campsite this morning. This was probably the first opportunity for them to goof around a little bit. 

We had an 8-mile hike from Miranda to Santa Claus. We stopped halfway at a camp called Head of Dean, which is a staffed camp. We spent almost 3 hrs there and they played wiffleball, badminton, and volleyball. We also ate lunch during this stop. 

We resumed our hike around 2:45 and made it to Santa Claus around 5pm. Today was probably the strongest hiking day of the trek, which was surprising given the Baldy summit the day before. The pace was steady and strong with just a couple of routine water stops. 

The crew got the campsite set up pretty quickly which was good since the skies opened up around 7pm while we were eating dinner. The rain stopped about 7:45 which gave the crew time to get everything cleaned up. The thunder started again around 8:15 so we quickly secured personal gear and got into our tents around 8:30. This gave everyone a good night's sleep and made our 5am wake up call tomorrow morning a bit easier. It rained all night long.   

We had to be at our pick-up point (Bear Canyon Turnaround) by 9:30am. It is a 6-mile hike and no one wants to miss the bus.

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