Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Philmont Day 12 - July 28, 2014

Today was our last day on the trail. We got up at 5am and hit the trail just after 6am. We had a 6-mile hike ahead of us and we wanted to give ourselves a little room for error.   We ended up reaching our destination in about 2 1/2 hrs.   

The bus picked us up early at just after 9:00am. This was great as this gave us extra time at base camp to return crew gear, clean up, wash clothes, visit the trading post, and go into town (Cimarron) for a pizza dinner. Mr Newton and I told the crew that we weren't taking any scouts home who were dirty or smelly. A scout is clean!

The closing campfire was at 8:15pm. It lasted about an hour until it was cancelled abruptly due to an approaching thunderstorm. The skies opened up shortly thereafter and continued for about 1 hour. 

You could see the crew relax and the excitement build throughout the day. I'm not sure the full measure of the accomplishment has set in just yet, but it will soon. 

Wake up is at 6am tomorrow morning. Breakfast is at 7am and then we have to get ready to board the bus at 9am. It will be a 4-5 hour bus ride to the Denver airport, followed by a flight at 5:30 pm (7:30 est)‎. It is time for the crew to de-compress a bit and savor the moment. 

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