Friday, July 25, 2014

Philmont Day 5 - July 21, 2014

‎We had a great day today. Our trip from Sealy Canyon to Whiteman Vega was pretty straight forward. Our map & compass skills improved from the previous day. No one wanted to get lost again. 

We stopped at Ring Place for a food and fuel re-supply. The staff at Ring Place had a special treat for everyone. There was milk (chocolate, strawberry, white) as well as a piece of fresh fruit (apple, orange or pear).  

We arrived at Whiteman Vega at 11:30 and got our "porch talk". We continued to learn that the Valle Vidal is unlike Philmont proper. During the briefing we were told that bears were common along with western rattlesnakes. They also told us we might hear the mountain lion up on the ridge. He said they sound like a screaming woman. We were also co-habitating with hundreds of cows (and a few bulls...more on that later). The entire area was contained in the pastures of the cattle ranch that is part of Valle Vidal. It seemed a bit odd at first to be sharing quarters with the cows but we had fun with it. There's a rumor that one of the cows took a special interest in Bob and charged at him a bit. Bob doesn't get too worked up so took it in stride. 

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