Friday, July 25, 2014

Philmont Day 2 - July 18, 2014

Mr Newton and I are going to tag team on recording our Philmont trip. He is going to take all of the pictures and I'm going to do the daily summary. When we return to Atlanta we will match up the pictures with the correct day and add them to our blog. 

Anyway, day 2 started with breakfast at 6:30am followed by our final in-processing. We boarded a bus at 1:45 and traveled to our drop off site called 6-mile gate in the "backcountry".  We had a fairly short hike from the dropoff point to our first campsite called Anasazi. Philmont starts crews off with fairly short hikes on day 1 and day 2 in order to allow time for altitude acclimation. There's not as much oxygen at 6,000 ft above sea level as there is in Atlanta at 900 ft. I'm not sure about the scouts but the adults noticed a difference. 

One of the sights along the way was a T-Rex footprint. It became encapsulated and hardened in the sandstone. It is the only known T-Rex footprint in the world. 

Our ranger, Alex, did training with the scouts on: map and compass, map reading, bearmuda triangle, bear bag management, cooking, and clean-up. He also helped the scouts with campsite set up and tear down. 

We had a thunderstorm kick up around 7pm. There was lots of wind and clouds, but only a few drops of rain. 

It was a long day and the crew didn't have all tasks complete until about 9:30. They had their crew meeting (roses, thorns, and buds) and went straight to their tents to sleep!

Wake up early tomorrow at 5:30am.

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