Monday, July 28, 2014

Philmont Day 7, July 23, 2014

Today's hike was about 5 miles from Dan Beard to Ponil camp. We descended about 1,000 ft from 8,000 to 7,000. We pay for it tomorrow though as we will climb back up to 8,000 and then 9,000 the day after next. So, very easy hike today, which was welcome given the tough hike yesterday. 

Ponil camp is the original base camp for Philmont. They moved it from Ponil to its current location sometime in the 60's. The staff told us that back in those days the crews would leave from Ponil with a burro for their entire trek. They would reach a campsite where they would remain the entire time. The crews would then take side hikes from their camp. I'm not sure when the format changed to the current form. 

The program at Ponil was really good. The scouts got to horseback ride and then shooting with pistols and shotguns. Shooting is always a favorite with this group. 

The other nice feature of Ponil is that the staff cooks dinner and breakfast for the crews. Everyone enjoyed not having to cook that night. 

The evening ended with a cantina cowboy show followed by lights out.

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