Friday, July 25, 2014

Philmont Day 3 - July 19, 2014

‎We are hiking to our next campsite which is Metcalf Station. Metcalf is a "staffed" camp which means there are Philmont staff members living there full-time during the summer. Staffed camps are nice as there are always program activities and sometimes other goodies for the scouts. 

Following wake-up at 5:30, the crew broke camp and we were on the trail at 6:45am. We ate breakfast while hiking since we wanted to get on the trail while it was still cool. The breakfast consisted of turkey sticks (sort of like a slim Jim), fruit puree in a tube, trail mix, and graham crackers. 

We hiked about 1 1/2 hours and arrived at our first program for the day. The crew got to practice spear throwing with a device called an Atlatl. It's an ancient device designed to give the spear thrower additional leverage in throwing the spear. This device is apparently still in use in some African cultures. 

We then departed the program area and continued on the trail towards our final destination for the day. We arrived at Metcalf station around 11:30. We met the staff members who run the site and got our campsite assignment. The crew decided to eat lunch and then they got the campsite set up. Once the campsite was set up we went to the program area for activities. The first was blacksmithing where the scouts got to try their hand in making things the old fashion way. They really enjoyed this activity. 

Next the crew prepared dinner, cleaned up, put up the bear bags, etc. The staff had a campfire program that night which turned out to be the highlight of the day. The staff members at this camp were musicians and singers. They played for about 1 1/2 hours. Their music was folk and based on historical railroad events. They had a violin, guitar, mandolin, banjo, and harmonica. See the short video clip. 

Went to bed pretty late but it was well worth it.

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