Monday, July 28, 2014

Philmont Day 8, July 24, 2014

Today was another interesting day. We woke up at 5:15am to get ready to be at breakfast at 6:30. The camp staff overslept and so breakfast didn't start until about 7:30. It was worth the wait though as we had pancakes, sausage, and orange juice. This was the first hot breakfast since leaving base camp. 

Following breakfast we went to visit the commissary to re-supply our food and then visit the stables to pick up our burro. Yes, we took ownership of a burro that the crew named "Paco". Paco's job was to carry part of the crew gear to the next 2 campsites. He had a saddlebag on either side that could carry 25 pounds each. The burro pick-up was very slow and we didn't get on the trail until about 11:00, which had us hiking in the heat of the day. 

We arrived at Pueblano camp at approximately 3:45. We dropped Paco off at the stable for the night and then headed for our "porch talk". We got our campsite assignment and headed there to get set up for the night. The crew decided to forego the evening activities so that they could go to bed by 9:00pm. Brad and I thought this was a wise choice given we will be climbing Mt Baldy in 2 days. Dinner was some sort of fettuccine that was actually quite tasty. The crew had their nightly meeting at 8:00pm and got to bed at 9:00pm. 

We are off to Miranda camp tomorrow. We will climb another 1,000 ft to 9,000, which will be our highest elevation so far in the trek. Paco had a mind of his own when it came to walking. We learned he didn't like to walk uphill and would protest by just stopping and refusing to move. Our burro whisperers, Carter and Sean, did their best to keep him moving along. 

We've seen Mt Baldy several times throughout our trek off in the distance. It seems impossible that we will attempt a summit in 2 days.

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